Hillcroft Conservation Grazing

Cattle data sheet

Name: Drayton Crunchie


Description: Crunchie spent many years with us on loan from Ann and Michael Jones. A real gentleman, he was a bull with a very kind nature -- and like most bulls he was even quieter when with his girls. He had black points, and many of the other animals are his offspring. He enjoyed browsing sallow and other small broadleaved trees, which he casually pushed over -- a useful skill where scrub needs to be controlled. Sadly at the good age of 14 he developed severe arthritis and his life had to come to an end in early 2005. His son Avocet is continuing his work in the herd.

Ear tag number: (too small to read).

1991 - 2005

Breed: British White

Type: Bull

Offspring (in our herd): (Amanita), (Apple), Avocet, Bilberry, (Bulrush), Bryony, Dawn, Erica, (Eyebright), (Daybreak), (Daylight), Genista, (Gorse), Grayling, (Hawthorn), Hector, Lapwing, Lily, Lotus, (Remus), (Romulus), Saffron, Sallow, Scallop, (Scampi), (Scirpus), Soot. Many other offspring elsewhere, including Precious.

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Page created with Wordperfect 8 and Notepad. Last updated: 12 April 2007. Please send comments to: comment@collingridge.net.