Hillcroft Conservation Grazing

Cattle data sheet

Name: Wispers Windsor


Description: On loan from Ann and Michael Jones, to run with Crunchie's daughters.

Ear tag number: (too small to read).

Born: 1996

Breed: British White

Type: Bull

Offspring (in our herd): Amethyst - Angelica - Burnt Tip - Crayfish - (Dabchick) - Daffodil - Damask - Dew - (Dusk) - Elm - Ermine - (Gentian) - (Goosander) - Honeybee - Lathyrus - Lemon - Lime - (Limpet) - Limpkin - (Periwinkle) - (Ringlet) - Runner Bean - (Salmon-or-Beef) - (Salvia) - Scallywag - Scarab - Sparrowhawk ; many other offspring elsewhere.

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Page created with Wordperfect 8 and Notepad. Last updated: 09/08/2007. Please send comments to: comment@collingridge.net.